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Compact Drink Vending Machine

Compact Vending Machine image
Snell's Compact Refreshement drink vending machine is ideal for a small office or workplace.

orange tick 15 refreshing flavours!!!!!!!
orange tick Can stock all bottles up to 375ml, all cans, all energy drinks
orange tick Fully Electronic display and accepts/refunds all change
orange tick Front Display with feature space to advertise your business

eco friendly symbol

green tickZoned Cooling by advanced column set and direct fan set
green tickRotary Compressor saves up to 70% on energy consumption
green tickFully Insulated - compressor nightime power saver mode
green tickCurrent model - reduced cfc emissions
Model Compact Vending Machine
Dimensions 1.8m H x 0.73m W x 0.73m x D
Weight 250kg
Electrical Requirements 240v
Features Note and credit card reader
Back to base remote monitoring
coffee machine banner

Let us supply the vending machine thats right for you!

Call us on 0408 248 888

Or email us at

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